The 21 Days
22 Lessons
What Is The 21 Day Breathing Challenge?
We take over 25 000 breaths a day and we rarely notice one. This challenge will give you a different way to breathe each day for 21 days. I hope you will try each one for a few minutes each day - maybe even for a few times each day. Some days will suit you better but please give them all a go!
Breathing in a focused, relaxed and deliberate manner is one of the most effective ways to reduce your stress and increase your mindfulness. It brings you into the moment and whilst you’re focused on it you can’t be focused on your “problems”.
Breathing in this manner also brings greater creativity, self-esteem and problem-solving and even helps you sleep better! Breathing well helps to lower blood pressure, lowers the heart rate, reduces headaches - it’s just plain good for you!
All you have to do is to breathe in the way I show you for a few minutes that day. As often as you wish to during the day. And at the end of the challenge you’ll have a range of tools to help you be less stressed that work.
My love of people, my deep curiosity in human behaviour, my desire to help people to become more complete, more balanced, more content, more fulfilled, and closer to who they have the potential to be have been life-long.
So, it was probably no surprise that I worked for 36 years in secondary education in the UK - which I loved. Much of this time was devoted to providing guidance and support to pupils, staff and parents to try to enable them to see the value in the challenges and difficulties in their lives, to see the bigger picture, to see themselves and others less harshly, and to see the value of less fear.
After retiring early I moved with my wife to beautiful Devon in the summer of 2014 and continue to offer advice to those who come to me in need.
As a long time meditator I find its value to myself and others huge. I began teaching it years ago (last century actually!) whilst I was still teaching and now teach meditation to both individuals and groups face-to-face and online. In addition, I have led evening, day and weekend retreats as well as many sessions more tightly focused on reducing stress. Designing and recording bespoke visualisations and teaching meditation 1-2-1 are in demand at the moment.
I also enjoy working with individuals to help them and their children sleep better, to be less negative in outlook, to be more mindful in their communication, to be less anxious, to be more reflective, and to enjoy life more. In all that I do my aim is always to offer practical advice to all in an appropriate, accessible, enjoyable, based in good science and discursive manner.
During the pandemic visits to businesses and schools to deliver talks and workshops have ceased although online meetings seem to work very well.
Several books are available on my Amazon page (https://www.amazon.co.uk/Nigel-Lowson/e/B0034Q6LYQ) and several online courses are available from my website (https://nigel.newzenler.com) or via my YouTube Channel.
Married to Gilly since 1980 I am a father to two girls and a grandfather to two boys still at school so I still feel connected to the young, in some way!
© 2025 Nigel Lowson